Every Little Step...

Every Little Step...

Let’s walk through the 'méthode' of making 'traditionnelle' bubbles (in Margaret River) and uncover the magic of what makes Frazer Woods sparkle.

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There’s Méthode in the Madness

There’s Méthode in the Madness

There are five well-known ways to make sparkling wine. Many have a little bit of overlap with one another – but there is just one – that (according to John Frazer) is best. 

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Savour the Celebration

Savour the Celebration

Your wedding day is a magical occasion that brings everyone together.  A day of making memories. To celebrate such a day, only one sparkling wine will do. 

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Where it all began...

Where it all began...

In 1985 at the Vasse Hotel, his local watering hole, a timely opportunity and spur of the moment decision saw John Frazer and his wife Jan Woods, purchase a Willyabrup property.

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